Backplated Wall Sign Houston, TX
While many customers opt for Dimensional Letters for their exterior signage, there are times when a flat wall sign makes better sense. Consider a customer who has a logo with light colors and they want to display it on a light beige wall. They can't implement their sign in dimensional letters because the contrast between the logo colors and the wall will be so low. You need high contrast between a logo and its background to make an exterior sign readable from far! Therefore, a backplated wall sign becomes a great option in this case. The customer can now order a backplated sign with a dark colored plate and the logo mounted on top of it. Now, the plate in the middle offers a high contrast between the wall and itself, as well as the logo on top of it. There are many other situations where a backplated sign offers a much better impact than a dimensional sign.
Exterior Backplated Wall Sign for Pandell on Brick
Backplated Wall Sign With Bold Branding for Ironwear Warehouse
Modern Backplated Wall Sign for d7 Roofing on Metal Building
Every Style and Finish You Need for Backplated Signs
We offer many different options for Backplated Exterior Wall Signs including various pan sizes and options to decorate the logo on the sign. The most common option is to use printed graphics but for some customers we have also used Acrylic Letters, Aluminum Letters, Fabricated Channel Letters and Stainless Steel Letters upon request. View our gallery to see some of our implentations.
From the LoneStar State to the United States!
Saifee Signs has professional installers in many metro areas across USA who can install your plaques beautifully.
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